October 15-16, 2011

Come visit these beautiful studios yourself on October 15-16, 2011 in Loveland Colorado! Please visit www.lovelandartstudiotour.com

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Billie J Colson

oil painting in progress

Billie's patio table - one square says "Never frown because you never know who is falling in love with your smile!"

Billie's granddaughter Mahayla did this piece.  Every year, Billie organizes a fundraiser called "65 Roses" for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for Mahayla.  Artists all over participate in this event held in February at Independence Gallery.

Family is always close to Billie's heart.  Here is a found art sculpture made by her son.

Billie Colson can make friends with anyone, she can't help it!  She always has something nice to say and I don't think I've seen her without an idea or project in play.  When you really look at her accomplishments, it's hard to believe she has the time!  Did you know that she created Loveland's Night on The Town? Or that she is the brain child behind the Loveland Art Studio Tour?  She is also the owner of Independence Gallery in downtown Loveland and a talented oil and pastel artist. This woman get's things moving, and she does it with a smile.  I consider her a dear friend and it was such a treat to drop in on her on a rainy Sunday morning to see her in action.  She warned me before I came over that her studio was in "working" condition.  It was perfect!  It was exactly why I wanted to start this blog, to be able to peak at the space a artists inhabits - not just their perfectly finished piece neatly framed on a gallery wall.  I wanted to glimpse into her pencil box, take a look at the recent still life she has set up.  (She likes to paint the objects that she loves)  I also peaked out her back door - she had an old table painted with a grid ~ she invites friends and family to paint something important to them on it.  When it's finished she will cover it with glass.  Her art is stunning, take a look at her website http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/billie-colson.html

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful work, Billie! Can't wait to see you and your work at the studio tour.

    Thanks to Engaging Loveland for making this happen!
